Kids these days are amazing. Consider this conversation overheard between two 6-year-olds, presumably having affections for each other.
Calvin: Hey Suzie, you know I like you, don't you?
Suzie: Yeah Cal... you told me that a couple of times already.
Calvin: What about you?
Suzie: What about me?
(pretending to be blur)
Calvin: Yeah Suz... do you like me or not?
(slightly nervous)
Suzie: Well Cal, you know I do.
(blushes slightly)
Calvin: ... uhm, it would be nice to hear you say it though.
(voice sounding cheeky)
Suzie: Sigh, you know I do.
(blushes rose pink)
Calvin: Ah well, yeah I suppose I do.
Suzie: ...
Calvin: Hmm, why don't you let me hug you?
(curiousity mounting)
Suzie: Uhm well, 'cause you know why ...
(cheeks turning pinker)
Calvin: Or hold your hand ... and smooch you like how those people do in the movies?
(curiously and brazenly daring)
Suzie: *gulp...* I.. I.. uhm, well ...
(cheeks turning extremely pink)
Calvin: Sigh, I'm sorry. I uhm have a question to ask you... just one question. ... Do you miss me?
(hoping against hope)
Suzie: You know I do...
(cheeks turning beetroot red)
Calvin: Sigh ... okay...
(dissapoinment reaching its peak)
Both Calvin and Suzie pauses to what seems like eternity 'til...
Suzie: Cal... you know I miss you and like you. *pause* But do you know why I miss you? ... I miss you for being there for me and spending time with me. These are very precious memories to me... I'm eager to see you again because of these reasons. I don't want to miss you because of other intimate reasons. *pause* Besides, we're not old enough to do these stuffs just yet.
(smiling satisfiedly)
Calvin: *lump in throat*
(sniffs slightly)
Sigh, little boys have so much to learn. But little girls? Oh, they seem so eager to be responsible, mature and understanding at their age. (: