That's exactly how I feel after a bunch of friends sprang a surprise pre-birthday dinner for me tonight. And a very extravagant affair too. I'm going straight to the details because I'm so excited to talk about the gift they all got for me!
Boon left his camera in the car so try imagining this instead. In table sitting order was Irene, Alden, Han, Yen, Kelly, me, Boon, and my present! Yep! My present had a chair all by itself so you can imagine how huge it is. We were at Pantai Seafood restaurant at Kampung Kayu Ara which has a huge aquarium display of huge alaskan and snow crabs. I never ate/attempted to eat such huge crustaceans before - too expensive?! Did I mention there were geoduck clams too? Uhm, on first impression, I thought they resembled a certain portion of the male anatomy - enlarged 10 times. I imagined cramming the clam into my mouth and I lost my appetite.
Anyway, after a close up inspection of the other creatures, me and Boon headed back to our table and my oh my! the present was sitting on my chair! I gaped and ooohed and ahhhed, eyes nearly popping out and ta daa I'm now the proud owner of a chu totoro!! Yes, I'm a great fan of Miyazaki's works and I'm simply amazed with his creative imagery portrayed in his animes.
The dinner was superb! Claypot tofu, two types of vegetables, steamed fish with pickled vegetable strips, steamed chicken, fried pig trotters and for dessert a double chocolate and cheese cake with 'Happy Birthday Hobbes' written on it. I'm rating the dinner 5 out of 5 burps!
I am truly flabbergasted, really. The great lengths that Irene and co took time to plan out the surprise is amazing. Thank you everyone for making my xxth birthday this year another wonderful one. (okay, I'm 25)

Good night totoro!