This is a 2006 movie adaptation of a popular Japanese video game. The premise of the movie is a town called Silent Hill, a world sort of in limbo between reality and hell. There are loads of creepy-looking creatures inhabiting this dimension, namely 3-feet tall, wailing children burnt black walking in stunted movements. (Personally I find twisted innocence like an evil baby, dolls with murderous thoughts and a clown with razor sharp teeth horrendously more horrifying compared to undying zombies in movies). I would recommend this knee-clutching, gut-wincing movie for horror lovers. Anyway, in the original video game, the town is covered in fog and snow. In the movie, it was replaced with smoke and ash instead caused by a coal mine fire which never stopped burning beneath the town. See movie screenshot.
And then see this shot. No worries if you’re not a horror fan because ‘Silent Hill’ has descended upon us in KL recently. (Replace creepy creatures with snatch thieves).
Since ASEAN adopts a non-interfering policy towards their neighbours and the president of the haze factory is too lackadaisically dim-witted to contain the problem, can someone please suggest a solution to this annual crisis? Well, I have a one. Let’s build a huge fan and blow the haze back to them haha.