Lucky day.
Today must be my lucky day. I met lady luck on my way to work today.
Sat at my workspace, started work for the day, worked for an hour and smelt something funny. I didn't shower this morning, or on any other mornings before going to work and no, I don't stink... I just smell like me after I wake up, you know.. the bed smell. Anyway, I figured the smell didn't come from me, so I turn over my shoes (oh, I change into my pink Bata slippers when I'm at work, which I think used to belong to my grammy, so that I can shuffle around office without spoiling the soles of my nice shoes. Bata soles withstand friction very well)
And there it was! The stinky dog poo, all nicely squashed and sticking ever so firmly on the left sole of my shoe. Had to scrub it clean in the bathroom and eww, I can't seem to wash it off completely! Oh well, at least I have a new smell this morning.
I think I might have to patent this smell, who knows one day I'll be famous and I'll have my own line of dog poo fragrance. Of course it's not for us humans (I ain't that insane) but for the doggies. Well you never know what you can do with strange inventions. I might even receive a
Ig Nobel Prize. *smug*