A year older and ... wrinkler...
Monday, November 20, 2006

I just wanna wish some of the most important people in my life a very Happy Birthday for the month of November -- my pops, Soo Chin, Alden Yap, Diane Gan, Brian Kow and Eddie Ooi (if you're reading this!) All of you hold a special place in my heart;

Pops who brought me into this world with mom, raised me to be a good girl with values and paid full for my braces. For the latter, I'm utmost thankful otherwise I won't look as cute as I am today. No, I'm not kidding, self-compliment is very good for self-esteem haha

Soo Chin whom I knew since we were 14. I've never met any bubblier person with magnetic charisma. Did I mention her being thoughtful and helpful towards her friends? She's dependable, hospitable, lovable, huggable and all the other -ables. And thanks for the many lovely birthday gifts that you never failed to get for me throughout these years. I'm still keeping them safe.

Alden for being a great 'Tuesdays friend', for the conversations, makan trips, Herri and for 'opening' the opportunity to ogle at Kenta Ando during PD Triathlon in year 2004. Man, he's just so hunky dory and I'd kill a whale to have a picture taken with him.

Diane my confidante before Boon came along. I remember the long nights of girly conversations we had over the phone even though we've just seen each other at work. Of course, it's only apt to thank Digi for the free phone calls I get to make to her. The ever-patient loyal friend, she's a rare gem.

Brian the 'younger brother' whom I gossip with at the office. We'd sit at the printing room and chat to while away boredom or escape work. Like a good chi-mui (girl-friend) only haha

Eddie my godbrother who doesn't mind having anothe sister to bother him some times. A good kor-kor to look up to and depend on in times of need.

So here I raise my beer mug to drink to your health -- *kachink*

2:59 PM 3 comments hmm?

about me
while not snoozing...
i wish for...
the house
spoilt brat
where's the album
japanese girl in Malacca
cammy boy back for awhile
little fei fei
little bee
big bee

previously on...
Good news, everyone!
The ugly side of my fellow countrymen
I see bright lights ahead of me. I also see a pair...
cafe cinnamon
Silent Hill
Game & watch
Mid-autumn – then
I am (not) crazy!
The perfect job for the retired man
Why do we tolerate hygienically dirty food eateries?

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September 2004
October 2004
November 2004
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