Today my department shifted to a bigger room next door to make way for two new departments that will be joining us next week. Thankfully it was just next door and I had nothing much to shift over. But help I did to shift my colleagues’ stuffs. With a trolley loaded with whatever-nots I zipped between rooms with much zest. Yeah right. It was more of a torture really. It was dusty, reeking with new paint and tiring. (note to self: I must remember not to clutter my table in case I decide to department-hop) After the two-hour ordeal I was looking greyer than my mood, but glad that it was finally over. And it was almost time to go home.
The company directors will be joining our office as well. I hope they will collectively agree that the toilets need upgrading. And sanitary bins are essential for hygienic purposes. And issue a restriction order to warehouse boys from using the ladies. And yes, enforce a no-smoking zone within a 10 metre parameter around my department block. Those who do not comply should be given a swift kick on the butt to leave the premises immediately. Harsh? As compared to the possibility of my deteriorating health, I don’t think so. And there you go, my week ended with a sizzling bang.