I was browsing through the second hand bookstore few days ago and found an interesting book called,
All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten by Robert Fulghum. It's about the author's personal views of insignificant everyday observations that has a paradoxical effect. For example, children rhymes. I never realised how meaningful and reflective it can get till I read this book.
Incy wincy spider
climbing up the spout
down came the rain
and washed the spider out
out came the sunshine
and dried up all the rain
Incy wincy spider
is climbing up again.
Delve deeper and you'll realise it's not just mere words stringed together to make it rhyme. It's about the perseverance of a spider, the instinct for survival or perhaps even about curiosity.
In the rhyme, the spider wasn't contented at remaining at ground level, so it decided to climb up the spout to see the world. But then calamity struck and the spider was forced down the spout. There he lies in the pool of water, soaked to his skin. Clearly not defeated, the spider climbs up again when the water evaporates.
Wisdom found in the most unlikely sources.
Sigh, take the first step
little spider. Begin by standing at the mouth of the spout.