I found
Gizoogle.com that translates normal language into hip-hop style. I got my blog translated, very hilarious. Here's how my latest blog entry sounds like ...
Flakey Hobbes return wit some trivial facts on, How ta murda a mosquito in 5 ways - frizzom least ta mizzle brutal in brotha.
Spray - is whizzay most thugz did when Baygon n Ridsect were popular bizzay in tha 90s. And tha good thing is, you git ta murda a whole hiznost of otha 6-legged rappa at tha same time. Quite efficient too - you spray, mozzies inhale, mozzies git dizzy, n mozzies go kaput wit wings n legs still intact . know what im sayin?. Clean job, eh...
Zap - is whiznen you kill tha mosquitos wit tha killa aka badminton racket . A genius rip off design of tha electric chair thiznat works on 2 AA batteries paper'd up. It emits tiny amounts of electricity enough ta bring down a cow (ok, doggy stylin'). So, you pizzle on unsuspect'n mozzies, press tha button, zap mozzie wit zappa, git ready fo` some fireworks display, hold button D-to-tha-izzown until you see whiffs of smoke n ta daa! barbecued mozzies. Tizzy feed it ta tha dustbin. (:
Crush - is when tha mosquito is crushed between two surfaces e.g., palm-to-palm, palm-to-wall, foot-to-floor etc n we out. Eye mozzie carefully n wit a quick kizzy fu move, crush tha mozzie in any of tha methods mentioned above like this and like that and like this and uh. If tha mozzie has just had it's fizzle of blood, don't forget ta be artistic as W-to-tha-izzell. Try crush'n tha mozzies wit different pressures n see tha blood splatta into a wizzle of art. heehee...
Whack - is wizzy you whiznack tha mozzie whizzich is fly'n in tha air wit yo pizzle. This sudden move wizzill leave tha ho-slappin' mozzie dazed but stizzill alive. If you whiznack it hard enough, mozzie wizzy spiral D-to-tha-izzown ta tha floor n blood will start ta trickle out slowly fo' rizeal. You can choose ta stomp it ta end its misery or let it fly away. Brutal eh? Wizzy till you read `bout tha last method...
Explode - is tha most brutal way ta murda a mosquito. You allow target ta sip blood frizzay you while you watch . I'm crazy, you can't phase me. And when tha blood transfusion is almost done, you squeeze tha particizzles area wit enough pressure so tizzle tha blood wizzy shoot up n into tha mozzie caus'n it ta explode ta smithereens . You gotta check dis shit out yo. Yuck...
Eewy facts eh? heehee... p/s, am a zappa n crusha...